07 Jun With summer quickly approaching, how can I keep my child’s Epinephrine Auto Injectors at the proper temperature?
Keeping your auto-injectors within a safe temperature range is crucial as epinephrine will lose its effectiveness when exposed to temperature extremes-both hot and cold.
Ideally, Epinephrine Auto Injectors should be kept at room temperature. It is okay, however, for slight variation beyond that. Temperatures that fluctuate between 59-86 degrees Fahrenheit or 15-30 degrees Celsius are permitted.
This means that keeping epinephrine in a refrigerator or a glove box is extremely dangerous and could lead to the unit malfunctioning in an emergency.
So how can you keep your Epinephrine Auto Injectors safe when you are out and about this summer?
There are many products on the market that can help keep auto injectors at a safe temperature. Whichever product you choose, ensure that it has the following features:
-durability and flexibility
-UV resistant
-Water resistant
-Well insulated
-Zip lock closure to protect against water, dirt, and sand
-Easy to carry
-Light and portable
For a more cost effective option, keep epinephrine auto injectors in a well -insulated bag close to indirect ice. This is a great option if you choose to not purchase an accessory.
Periodically checking on the epinephrine solution is also recommended. Visually inspect the particulate matter and look for discoloration. The medication should always be clear. If there is floating matter, it appears cloudy, or discolored you should discard.
Safe disposal is available at a healthcare professional office or hospital. Be sure to obtain a replacement before you discard.
Enjoy a happy and safe summer!