Flower Mound & Denton



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January 2017

Many of us have heard: “Avoid processed foods” when it comes to eating a healthy diet. While some processed foods should be consumed with caution, many actually have a place in a healthy, balanced diet. What Do Processed Foods Mean? According to the International Food Information Council...

While hand washing, flu shots, and adequate rest are all great ways to ward off the common cold, the following foods will also boost immunity and keep a nasty virus at bay. Fatty Fish: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B6, and iron, fatty fish...

For those of you who suffer from regular migraines, reducing the amount of tyramine can make a big difference. Tyramine is a monoamine compound-a substance that is found naturally in some foods, plants, and animals.  It can also be produced in foods and beverages as...

Maintaining a healthy blood sugar balance is one of the keys to healthy living. Sugar imbalances are associated with a number of symptoms ranging from fatigue to weight problems and mood swings.  Having too much glucose in your blood for a long period of time...

Touted as a popular ‘new it’ food, peas are nutrient-dense, phytochemical rich and inexpensive. They are also free of gluten, dairy, and soy--making them a great protein rich alternative. It is estimated that by 2054, alternative protein sources will constitute one third of the milk market....

Magnesium is a major mineral that has a number of different functions in our bodies. From regulating blood pressure, to keeping bones strong, heart rhythm steady, magnesium also supports a healthy immune system and nerve function. While 50-60% of the magnesium is in our bones, the...

Touted as having numerous health benefits, fish oils, are all the rage in the supplement industry. Fish oils are derived from the oil of cold water fish tissue. The best sources include: tuna, wild salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, and anchovies. These fish provide the omega-3 fatty acids:...

Since its introduction in the early 1990s, the Nutrition Facts Panel is soon to experience a makeover. By July 26, 2018, food manufacturers will be required to list the amount of added sugars in the product. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that no more...

Load up on fruits and vegetables Strive for a minimum of 5 servings/day and go for color. Dark leafy greens, and vibrant colors pack a nutritional boost.  Maximize your intake by choosing a variety and don't shy away from different forms if it suits your...