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food allergies Tag

These frozen treat recipes are food allergy-friendly and delicious! Pineapple Strawberry Granita 1 cup strawberries, hulled 1 1/2 cups pineapple juice 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup water Purée strawberries in blender or food processor; pour in pineapple juice, blend and set aside. In small saucepan over medium...

What is Celiac Disease? It is a serious genetic autoimmune disease that damages the villi of the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food. An estimated 1 in 133 Americans, or about 1% of the population, has celiac disease.  It can...

Spring and summer months are a time of camping, vacations, and, of course, barbecues. These fun social outings can be a challenge and a stress for those who suffer from food allergies. If you are one of the thousands who suffer with allergies, read on for...

Multivitamin Tips To Consider: When it comes to meeting your nutritional needs, food will always come first, pills come second. While supplements can make up for nutrient gaps in the diet, nothing can replace healthy eating.   The synergistic effect of nutrients working together from food can...

Question: I’d like to incorporate more tofu as another protein source for my picky eater. How can I do this? Answer: Tofu, also known as soybean curd, is rich in protein and low in cost. It can be a great addition to anyone’s diet.  The key is to...

Managing an allergy in a work environment can be an awkward and uncomfortable situation for some. As food allergies are considered a disability under federal law, employers are obligated to make reasonable accommodations. Employers must engage in an ‘interactive process’ with employees to discuss accommodations that...

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most highly researched eating patterns. For many, it is considered a gold standard in heart disease prevention and treatment as it can lower LDL (bad cholesterol that builds up in arteries). The benefits of the diet extend far...

Many of us have heard: “Avoid processed foods” when it comes to eating a healthy diet. While some processed foods should be consumed with caution, many actually have a place in a healthy, balanced diet. What Do Processed Foods Mean? According to the International Food Information Council...